36 yrs old & off to Camp La Jolla Womans Fitness Camp..for 3 weeks....alone!

Its Saturday night. i just had an amazing day with my family. Went to see High School Musical at the OC performing arts center, went to the Melting Pot (fondue place) for dinner. While at dinner my 5 year old son lost his first tooth.

Here's a peek into my life right now. Hubby has been with same company for 10 years, waiting on offer for new job! (update 6/28) Hubby accepted the job offer yesterday, Big Blue IBM/Cognos ....Congratulations Bryan!

He took 3 weeks off to hang out with my son over the summer. He's going to visit his parents and great grandparents on a road trip with my son, and will also check in with some high school buddies.

Me, I'm off to Camp La Jolla http://www.camplajolla.com/ to spent 3 weeks with woman over 30 from all over the country. 4 activities a day, 1200 calaries a day, nutrition classes and food trigger conversation. I'm FIRED up and nervous however, THRILLED to have this opportunity.

My work has been amazing, understanding how important this is to me and my health, physically and mentally.

So with this, i'm off to pack, spend a little more quality time with my family.

stay tuned....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

There's a whole process, who would of known.

Truckin along here at camp. Sort of in a happy, exhausted daze. Today was 6:30am beach walk, strength training (weights and core exercises), kick boxing and water aerobics again. The schedule will change for next week. Tomorrow we are going kayaking so I'm pretty excited!

We had a speaker tonight, she was random and all over the place but did say some very interesting things. There are legitimate stages of change, 2 of them are pre contemplation and contemplation. Everyone in the room nods there heads as most of us have been contemplating doing something about our weight for so long. It's nice to have someone but a name on it and that we're not crazy. She was sharing with us that we are all Athletes, if we say we are. Although she was a bit over excited about this concept, parts of it rang true. If i stop thinking I'm not in shape and think "I'm getting in shape", I WILL get there. But if I state that I'm just out of shape, I'm sure to remain that way. I am hoping to change my perception of me when i leave. I do workout and I do eat well, that's just who I am.

Strange that the food here has not been an issue, actually it's been pretty good. Lunch I had this really strange, yet pretty delicious ground soy. Tortilia, rice, ground soy (looked like taco bell meat), lettuce, tomoato,etc) it was really good; shocked! Tonight we had cheese and spinach tortellini's with asparagus (and always salad available). I even figured out a way to have yummy coffee, half coffee, half vanilla soy milk and one splenda, its good. We even had whole fruit bars! It is HILARIOUS to see a group of adult woman get so excited about Popsicles.

No TV's here so i think i might pop in a movie for the first time. HOW great is that, i haven't watch ANY TV in 5 days and i only miss it a little.

This athlete is going to bed, night.

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